Monday, December 20, 2004

Hendersen UK Responsible Investment Policy

Hendersen Global Investors, UK Responsible Investment Policy November, 2004 report in pdf format.

Monitoring and taking action on financial performance, corporate governance and corporate responsibility.


Henderson Global Investors’ Responsible Investment Policy sets out how we discharge our responsibility towards our clients by protecting and enhancing shareholder value in the companies in which we invest on clients’ behalf.

We believe that in order to achieve long-term success, companies need not only to conceive and execute appropriate business strategies, but also to maintain high standards of corporate governance and corporate responsibility. We therefore expect companies to operate according to recognised national and international standards in these areas.

This policy also sets out how Henderson implements the UK Institutional Shareholders’ Committee’s Statement of Principles on the Responsibilities of Institutional Shareholders and Agents1. It applies to all the companies in which we invest in the UK.

This policy incorporates the changes made to the UK Combined Code in July 2003.