Thursday, July 27, 2006

Are you on vacation? Unplug from technology!

Technology is blurring the natural border that has traditionally separated a person's work schedule from family time: clock-out time. Arriving home no longer means the workday has necessarily ended.

Many employees keep working during what is becoming the “third shift,” which entails a schedule that starts at ten o’clock at night and ends at one in the morning. This new shift is the most efficient one because there are fewer interruptions and, as one of the basic theories in time management states, interruptions make the work pile up.

After stopping each time it is necessary to start over again and refamiliarize oneself with the subject. If technology becomes our ally at night for working in an interruption-free environment, during the daytime it is one of our main enemies: receiving incoming calls anywhere through our mobile phones and constant email messages via our laptop, Blackberry or Treo, makes it difficult for us to concentrate on a task and complete it in an effective manner.

See full Report, in pdf format.