Monday, August 21, 2006

Apple admits excessive iPod hours

As usual, there is much talk about doing things right and having codes to ensure that they are done so. The problem is that many companies stop at elaborating a code and forget about the next step...implementation!

No excuses for Apple waiting until the press brings it out.

Onésimo Alvarez-Moro

See article:
Apple Computer has said a report of labour conditions at its iPod plant in China found workers did more than 60 hours a week a third of the time.
Staff making the world's most popular MP3 player also worked more than six consecutive days 25% of the time.

Apple said the hours were "excessive" and said its supplier would now be enforcing a "normal" 60-hour week.

The California-based firm said its report found "no evidence of enforced labour" or use of child workers.

See full Article.