Monday, August 07, 2006

Regulatory Compliance: Cost or Opportunity?

The world of financial services is becoming an increasingly regulated place. Following hard on the heels of Sarbanes-Oxley, Gramm-Leach-Bliley and Basel II, we are now faced with MiFID (the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive) in Europe and Reg NMS (Regulation National Market System) in the United States. While it would appear that technology suppliers and consulting companies have a wonderful opportunity to sell yet more technology and even more person-days of consultancy, the only companies I can see making any money at the moment are the conference and event organizers.

Every piece of compliance legislation represents an opportunity for someone, even if it's only the conference organizers and the publishers of online and print magazines who are launching new exhibitions and selling advertising space and advertorial in newly launched publications. Rather than complain about this situation, perhaps we can learn something from it.

See full Article.