Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Winning the Battle Against Burnout

Michael Staver remembers exactly when he knew he was burning out.

He was in the Atlanta airport, en route to what felt like the millionth presentation that he would make that month. He sensed his mental systems shutting down, one by one.

“I’m exhausted, I’m sitting among these odors and screaming babies, and I decided, on the spot, I’d had enough,” he said.

That was almost two years ago. Today, Mr. Staver, 45, still runs the Staver Group, his executive training company on Amelia Island, Fla. But he now has a staff of people who give at least half the speeches he used to give, and hold even more of the training sessions. He spends a lot more time writing, and working one on one with senior executives — the part of the job he loves most.

A few clients balked at first, but they came around. “I had nurtured a culture of dependency on the part of my clients,” Mr. Staver said. “I had to break them of the idea they had to get all their attention from me alone.”

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