Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The World Bank: Incorporate Human Rights into Governance and Anticorruption Strategy

Comments on the WB’s “Strengthening Bank Group Work on Governance and Corruption”

Sanjay Pradhan
Public Sector Governance
Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network
The World Bank

August 4, 2006

Dear Mr. Pradhan,

Human Rights Watch welcomes the broader approach to governance demonstrated in the outline Strengthening Bank Group Work on Governance and Corruption (the outline) and the opportunity to comment on it. We note with concern, however, that the consultation period has been relatively short and does not provide enough time for widespread consultations and in-depth discussions that would enhance the governance and anticorruption strategy.

Our comments for this consultation focus on measures to enhance public oversight in order to improve government accountability. We have some suggestions on how the Bank Group can incorporate these governance issues into country strategies. We also recommend greater consistency in the World Bank’s approach to governance and building on past institutional precedents. Finally, we urge a more proactive approach towards governance and anticorruption through targeted steps in high-risk countries, such as those that are resource rich.

See full Press Release.