Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Culture and reputation count more than money in war for talent

A company's reputation and its workplace culture are more important than pay and benefits when it comes to attracting top talent, new research has suggested.

An international survey of more than 500 HR executives by global talent management firm, Bernard Hodes, has found that the quality or reputation of products and services, the corporate culture and the work environment were a business's most important attributes when it came to bringing talent aboard.

Ethical reputation also scored highly. But benefits and compensation were, perhaps surprisingly, bottom of the list.

The research also concluded that four out of 10 employers did not have a formal programme in place to position and promote their employer brand to new recruits and top talent.

Just a quarter of those polled felt their organisation had the tools and capability to measure their employer brand in terms of recruitment and retention.

Even fewer - only one in eight - indicated that the value of their employer brand was calibrated by their overall company performance.

See full Article.