Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Current Role of Capital Market Regulation

Commissioner Roel C. Campos, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

CVM's 30th Anniversary: Assessing the Present, Conceiving the Future

Good morning. I'd like to thank Marcelo (Trindade) for inviting me to join you today in celebration of the CVM's thirtieth anniversary. It is an honor to be here and it is terrific to meet with and work with our regulatory counterparts. I have a special regard for Marcelo and the CVM. With Marcelo's leadership and those before him, the CVM has become an example of a splendid regulator that works closely with the financial industry and the Brazilian markets. Of course, an event like this cannot happen without the dedication and hard work of many people behind the leader. As such, I would specifically like to commend the hard work of Eduardo Manhaes Gomez and Aline de Menezes Santos of the CVM. Both have been particularly helpful to me on this trip. Of course, there are dozens of others who have contributed to this event at the CVM that I cannot mention. My sincere thanks to all of at CVM. Of course, Brazil and its great people continue to fascinate and impress me mightily. I only regret that I do not have time to see more than a glimpse of all it has to offer.

See full Speech.