Saturday, September 02, 2006

Job-seekers want a challenge - and recognition

Job-seekers around the world invariably want to work for companies that can offer them interesting work, regular recognition, good rewards and opportunities for quick promotion.

The research by Accenture has suggested that, wherever they are in the world, job seekers consistently say it is challenges and recognition that provide the greatest motivation when it comes to wanting to get on in corporate life.

But intriguingly, the survey also found that a focus on "corporate citizenship" and diversity was less important to job hunters than traditional benefits such as robust rewards programmes and opportunities for personal growth.

The study of more than 4,100 job seekers in 21 countries in North and South America, Europe and the Asia Pacific region, aimed to identify the most valued career goals of both entry-level and experienced job seekers.

Challenging and interesting work was the most important characteristic that job seekers looked for in prospective employers, selected by 60 per cent of those polled.

See full Article.