In his 1925 poem "The Hollow Men," T.S. Eliot bleakly chants that the world ends "not with a bang but a whimper."
For large-company auditors and the fragile world of privately provided financial statement assurance, an ominous whimper was just heard in a courthouse in Miami.
In June, a jury of six citizens of Dade County, Florida, found that the Seidman accounting firm had been grossly negligent in the audit of its client E.S. Bankest, a Miami financial institution whose owners included the plaintiff, Banco Espírito Santo, which is based in Portugal.
On Monday, after one additional hour of deliberation, the jury imposed damages of $170 million on Seidman in favor of Banco Espírito Santo, adding the crowning touch of an extra $351 million in punitive damages on Tuesday.
Those are numbers well beyond the capability of the partners of Seidman, which reported total revenue of $589 million for the 2007 financial year. And Seidman won't be helped by its membership in a global network, BDO International, which - with about 30,000 employees and a combined revenue in 2006 of $3.9 billion - ranks a distant fifth behind the Big Four global accounting networks: PricewaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Ernst & Young and KPMG, in order of size.
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