When: 1-2 November, 2007
Where: Hotel Nikko, Hong Kong, China
CSR Asia will be holding its annual summit this year on 1-2 November in Hong Kong. CSR Asia Summit 2007 is one of the major events of the year, with over 50 speakers and 200 delegates. The summit will bring together CSR experts, experienced CSR practitioners and industry leaders from corporations, academic institutions, NGOs, and government agencies from across the world. It will examine the key CSR issues for 2007 and will be focused around three streams: Emerging Trends in CSR, Supply Chain Issues, and Environmental and Social Risks. A range of hot topics, which delegates can choose from, will be discussed within each of the streams and will include expert speakers on ISO 26000, GRI guidelines, capacity building, product responsibility, health and safety issues, ethical sourcing, climate change, child labour, human trafficking, diversity issues and more. The summit will act as a platform for exploring the latest issues in corporate social responsibility in the Asia Pacific region as well as allow delegates to gain valuable insight into CSR trends and market changes.
See full Information.