Friday, February 06, 2009
Audit Firms' Global Ambitions Come Home to Roost
In the Parmalat fraud case, a judge serves notice that audit firms can't boast of global reach while claiming no connection to local units
In a lawsuit over the demise of an Italian milk company, global audit firms this week were sent a serious warning that they may be on the hook for a host of local blowups they had long sought to avoid.
Though they heavily market their global reach to clients, the Big 4 and other large accounting firms have long argued in legal proceedings that their global entities are simply loose affiliations. But in a Jan. 27 ruling in a case centered on Italian shelf-stable milk maker Parmalat, Judge Lewis Kaplan of U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York ruled in effect that they can't have it both ways.
See full Article.