Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Waking up to climate change
While the world focuses on the ongoing economic crisis, the challenge of climate change grows increasingly desperate. A number of lessons still have to be learned.
From Tahrir Square to the streets of New York, citizens worldwide are protesting the status quo. In a world where the gap between rich and poor is widening, where corporate influence carries disproportionate weight, and where we are rapidly spending down nature’s capital, the public is saying “Enough!” Is this a passing fad or long-term trend? The realities of climate change and rising CO2 emissions suggest we’re in for a bumpy ride ahead.
Consider these facts: ocean acidification, warming and hypoxia are damaging life at the base of the ocean food chain. This, combined with the decreased resilience of marine ecosystems as a result of overfishing, marine pollution, resource extraction and other stresses, means that the 3.5 billion people who depend on the oceans for food increasingly will go hungry.
See full Article.