Saturday, December 04, 2004

Insider - Bring women on board

There are not enough women in the boardroom - and it will take more than tokenism to sort out the imbalance.

Today over half of newly qualified accountants are female as are 25% of members of the ICAEW. Yet few reach the top executive roles in companies. So to see Alison Reed, FD of Marks & Spencer and one of the few remaining female finance directors in the FTSE100, included in the latest cull was a blow. Sadly she wasn't alone - Laurel Powers-Freeling, CEO of M&S Money was included in the shuffle, as was Jean Tomlin, human resources director.

The low number of women on UK boards is not a new phenomenon. But while their representation has increased very slowly over the last decade, today only 3.7% of executive directors in the FTSE100 are women. Among non-executive directors, the imbalance is less extreme, but marked - just 11.8% are women.

See full Article.