Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Watson Wyatt - Latest pension developments in the UK

On 18 November 2004, the Pensions Bill received Royal Assent. The January 2005 issue of Pensions News Filter, Watson Wyatt's regular newsletter focusing on developments in the UK pensions industry, contains outlines of some of the more significant changes made to the Bill during its final Parliamentary stages.

This issue also contains other articles dealing with:

  • The two recently published draft Codes of Practice on reporting to the new Pensions Regulator
  • New draft regulations issued by the Department of Work and Pensions on
    --future pension provision following a business transfer
    --and on the removal of the existing pension increase requirements for Protected Rights
  • The conclusions of the Employer Task Force published in its recent report on UK pension provision.
  • A summary of other developments relating to pensions in November and December 2005

    Last year, the Government introduced two major pieces of legislation, the Finance and the Pensions Acts, which will have a significant effect on the design, financing, governance and administration of occupational pension schemes.

    See full Press Release.