Friday, March 18, 2005

Eliot the Avenger: Nobody makes top executives shake and shudder like Eliot Spitzer

Ellsworth Quarrels is a pseudonym for a longtime business-publishing insider.

Media-savvy and media-made, Eliot Spitzer has become both a hero and villain in the press. He may look like a permanent graduate student, but a mere telephone call from his office can terrorize the toughest and most arrogant corporate executives. As a PR friend told me: "Some of our top management folks are beginning to see Spitzer in their sleep."

The business media has become thoroughly polarized trying to keep up with Spitzer. Some see him as a public-spirited Spider-Man, fearlessly hunting down crooks and bad guys. Others paint him as merely another ego-laden politician. And still others view him as a deal-cutting Don Quixote tilting at corporate windmills.

See full Article.