Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Murdoch, Malone in talks

Now that News Corp is about to complete its full acquisition of Fox, the purported conversation (negotiations?) between News' Rupert Murdoch and Liberty's John Malone is becoming more interesting, or should do.

Are these discussions about advancing corporate strategy and shareholder benefits at News, or are they about maintaining and strengthening Murdoch family control?

It appears that Mr. Murdoch is desperate to 'handle' the Malone danger and consolidate his family's control. He showed his hand when he pushed through a poison pill protection recently. It is amazing that he got that one through his Board, let alone his shareholders!

News Corp shareholders have a reason to be concerned that these negotiations will go just one way, and that is the other way. Not many have made money being on the other side of John Malone in negotiations and, although Rupert Murdoch is normally no pushover himself, he is desperate for the result he wants and will be prepared to pay for it.....using shareholders' money that is.

The independant Board, if News Corp has one, needs to take control here and ensure that they do their thing, which is take care of all shareholders. Remembering that saving News Corp so that Rupert Murdoch's children can take over should NOT be among their priorities!


Related links:
Murdoch, Malone in talks