Tuesday, March 22, 2005

New Quebec school for corporate governance

The Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec, the Faculty of Administrative Science of Université Laval and the Autorité des marchés financiers have partnered to create the Collège des administrateurs de sociétés. Scheduled to begin by mid-June, the courses will be delivered at the Caisse's headquarters in the Price Building, located in
Québec City.

Creating this school for corporate and pension fund directors was a
business decision for the Caisse. "We base our investment decisions not only
on the quality of the companies, their management ability and growth outlook
but also on the soundness of their governance," stated Caisse Chairman and CEO
Henri-Paul Rousseau. "The Collège will give Québec companies access to the
best possible information on good governance practices. And since the
Collège's target clientele includes pension fund directors, Caisse depositors
and other pension fund members will benefit from the expertise developed by
the Collège," continued Mr. Rousseau.

See full Press Release.