Sunday, March 20, 2005

Washington-based Business Roundtable Survey Shows Commitment to Corporate Governance

Washington-based Business Roundtable CEO Survey Shows Continued Commitment to Improving Corporate Governance Among U.S. Companies.

Business Roundtable, an association of CEOs of 160 leading U.S. companies, today released its third annual survey of corporate governance practices among its members.

The latest results reveal that Roundtable member companies have made continued progress in implementing corporate governance measures which meet – and in some instances exceed – the listing standards of the NYSE and NASDAQ. These efforts have resulted in increased board independence and director involvement, and improved shareholder communication.

“This latest survey shows the continued dedication of America’s largest companies to improving corporate accountability through increased transparency, improved shareholder communication and greater board independence,” said Steve Odland, Chairman of the Roundtable’s Corporate Governance Task Force and Chairman and CEO of Office Depot, Inc.

See full Press Release.