More than 350 public sector leaders, representing municipal, provincial, and national government bodies, attended the first International Congress on Best Practices in Governance, sponsored by the International Finance Corporation’s Technical Assistance Facility for Latin America and the Caribbean, Ciudadanos al Día (a Peruvian NGO dedicated to promoting transparecy and efficiency in governance), AVINA, and the national Public Defender’s office.
The congress was designed to provide public sector leaders with a forum for exchanging ideas and experiences in improving government efficiency and transparency. During the plenary session, Ciudadanos al Día presented the finalists for its annual awards for Best Practice in Governance. The congress also featured workshops on improving transparency in contracting and procurement, public-private partnerships, facilitating access to public information, and enforcing policy compliance.
Simplifying business regulations was another important theme of the congress. According to World Bank’s Doing Business in 2005 report, excessive red tape at the municipal level represents one of the major barriers to formalizing a business. In Peru, for example, starting a business takes almost 100 days, on average, and approximately 50% of that time is spent complying with municipal business regulations.
See full Press Release.