Sunday, August 07, 2005

Bolloré's purchase of Aegis stake fuels takeover rumours

How big a stake will Mr. Bolloré need to take over Aegis, I wonder? He only needed 22% to take over the chairmanship and control of Havas and he now is taking it where he wants it to go.

Let us hope the minority shareholders (which are really the majority) don't suffer along the way.


See article:
Vincent Bolloré has acquired 6 per cent of Aegis, the UK media buying agency, fuelling speculation that France's best-known corporate raider plans to merge it with Havas, the French advertising agency of which he owns 22 per cent.

The move, announced last night after a sharp rally in Aegis shares this week, sparked talk of an impending bidding war for the UK group, long seen as one of the last attractive takeover targets in the advertising industry.

One person close to Aegis said: "It will be interesting to see which companies will be flushed out and forced to move on Aegis now."

See full Article.