Thursday, August 11, 2005

Deal Likely to Let KPMG Avoid Charge in Tax Case

Is there a special sensitivity with KPMG, given what happened at Anderson, I wonder? Does this mean that KPMG is being treated too lightly or that Anderson was treated too harshly. I tend to think the latter and this requires us always to not act in haste and with passion.


See article:
Negotiations between federal prosecutors and KPMG, the accounting firm facing possible criminal charges for its role in marketing questionable tax shelters, appear to have ruled out an indictment of the firm, people briefed on the discussions said last night.

While avoiding prosecution, KPMG is expected to face fines that could be as much as $500 million.

The talks, which are continuing, remain fragile, these people said, and criminal charges are still possible. But if the talks proceed on track, KPMG seems likely to avoid an indictment for selling the tax shelters.

See full Article (free registration required).