Friday, August 12, 2005

Institutional investors attack News Corp's ‘poison pill'

They either were convinced by our arguments here or they worked it out for themselves, but it is a pleasure to see institutional investors making noise when it comes to the governance farce that continues at News Corporation.

Of course, with the press they control around the world, it is dangerous to come out publicly against News moves. Rupert Murdoch is not a good enemy to have.


See article:
News Corp, the media conglomerate controlled by Rupert Murdoch, was lambasted on Thursday by institutional investors over its plans to extend its “poison pill” provision.

News Corp surprised the markets on Wednesday by announcing that it was extending its shareholder rights plan, or poison pill, for a further two years.

See full Article (paid subscription required).

See also: A Buoyed Murdoch Blocks a Major Investor and go to the Press Release of the Australian Council of Super Investors.