Saturday, August 06, 2005

New law demands new breed of accountants

Corporations are grooming in-house talent to mind their books

If you think finding just the right person to fill a single job vacancy is difficult, you don't want to be in David M. Welch's shoes. Over the past 10 months, Welch has been trying to hire an entire staff for the new Boston office of Jefferson Wells, Inc., a national financial consulting firm.

What makes Welch's mission as managing director a challenge is the type of employee he needs: people with extensive backgrounds in accounting. And these days, good accountants are scarcer than hens' teeth. Welch characterizes Boston as an "extremely competitive market" for accounting talent. A rebounding economy has certainly played a major role in sparking the job market for accounting. There are also several industry factors at play, but the reason most frequently mentioned is the impact of the federal Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

See full Article.