Saturday, August 06, 2005

Speech by SEC Chairman: Statement to SEC Staff

Good morning.

I'm happy to be here on the job as the new head of OPM. Don't worry. I know where I am. And I know this isn't the Office of Personnel Management. But for me, that's not what OPM means. OPM stands for "Other People's Money."

And that's what we are all about here -- ensuring that those who exercise power and control over Other People's Money respect the trust that has been placed in them ... and treat investors right. That's why my first meeting with Commission Staff was with Linda Thomsen, our head of Enforcement. She and her entire Division will have my unstinting support.

I can't tell you how happy I am to be here this morning to join you in our vital work - and how enlivening it is to join an agency with such a successful history and such a critical mission. First, however, I would like to congratulate Commissioner Roel Campos on his reappointment, and to welcome Commissioner-designate Annette Nazareth in her new role. It was a unique pleasure to appear with both of them before the Senate last week.

See full Statement.