Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Why green eyeshades are now 'in'

Tracy Baisa of Chicago isn't out to save the world. She aspires to get married, have children, and make a decent living at a stable job with plenty of flex time. For all those reasons, and because she's good at math, she became an accountant.

Little did she know when she began training, however, that a world fed up with corporate scandals might one day look to the likes of her for brave rules enforcement on the front lines of business. Since the 2001 collapse of Enron, the formerly sleepy world of accounting has become a place to get noticed - and maybe make a memorable mark.

"You definitely feel like you do need to be a little bit more on the ball," says Miss Baisa, a University of Texas graduate student with two job offers from PricewaterhouseCoopers. "I know with my old [accounting] job, I would go there on a couple hours of sleep, not a big deal. But I would never ever do that now. There's just a lot more at stake getting involved in this job now."

See full Article.