Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Agency calls on yardstick for corporate conduct

Corporate Britain needs a new yardstick on environmental and social behaviour, Paul Stennett, the Chief Executive of the agency which accredits industry, told Reuters on Wednesday.

Britain's biggest companies already compile so-called Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) reports but they are not audited to the same rigour as financial results, and can be as much to do with good public relations (PR) as serious commitment, Stennett said.

The UK Accreditation Service (UKAS) accredits sectors ranging from transport and construction through to agriculture, and says a cross-industry CSR standard is needed.

"We see a need for a standard -- to check whether the CSR is up to scratch or just wishful thinking," said Stennett, adding that UKAS was not a standard setter.

See full Article.