Monday, October 03, 2005

AIG are moving in the right direction

Martin Sullivan, Chief Executive of American International Group, has begun moves to cleap up some of the apparently questionable practices which took place under his predecessor's reign. His company has filed a lawsuit to claim the $19 billion in assets held by Starr International which is still run Hank Greenberg and which, apparently, belong to AIG.

These moves show that he is doing the right things to bring his company back into the legal and ethical fold, from which it had strayed.

Good move Mr. Sullivan!

Onésimo Alvarez-Moro

See article:
American International Group has filed a lawsuit to lay claim to the $19bn in assets controlled by Starr International, the offshore company headed by the insurer's ousted chief executive Maurice "Hank" Greenberg.

The suit, filed in a US district court on Tuesday, contends that the assets of SICO, as it is known in insurance circles, are "being held for the benefit of AIG and its current and future employees" and that Mr Greenberg, who chairs SICO, and its other shareholders should return them to the insurer.

See full Article (paid subscription required.