Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Board Oversight is Positive for Both Profit and Non-Profit Companies

A new study shows non-profit boards that practice good governance and stress accountability contrary to groups urging more oversight of non-profit organizations. The Johns Hopkins University Listening Post Project issued the report in which a vast majority of the 247 boards surveyed “are highly or significantly involved in the key strategic oversight functions that non-profit boards are expected to perform,” according to the study cited in the Fort Worth News-Sentinel.

“This is not to say that all non-profit organizations are paragons of organizational virtue. However, the dire assessments emanating from alarmist media accounts seem significantly overdrawn," the report’s authors are quoted as writing by the Fort Worth News-Sentinel. The authors, Lester Salamon and Stephanie Geller, went on to say that, “[t]he non-profit sector is well along toward getting its organizational house in order, and legislative fixes premised on worst-case scenarios should therefore be approached with considerable caution.”

See full Article. Also see Listening Post Project Report, in pdf format.