Thursday, October 13, 2005

Companies face rising tide of litigation

Almost a half (48 per cent) of UK companies expect to face more litigation during 2006 than they did over the last year, according to a new report by international law firm Fulbright & Jaworski.

The 2005 Litigation Trends Survey reveals that UK corporates are working in an increasingly litigious environment.

Two-thirds of UK businesses stated that they had faced court actions in the last 12 months and were particularly concerned about the increasing frequency of product liability cases.

The firm surveyed 354 companies from a wide range of industry sectors, including 50 from the UK. Publicly held companies made up 40 per cent of the total sample, and of those 59 per cent are listed on the NYSE, 22 per cent on NASDAQ and 11 per cent on the LSE.

See full Article.