Thursday, October 27, 2005

Evaluating and Minimizing Potential Risks

Risk management is much more of a concern in light of Sarbanes-Oxley and the damages caused by recent hurricanes.

Every executive underestimates the importance of the business risks they face each day. They are not just risks that can be protected with insurance, but equally measured in human resources risks, compliance, security, safety, brand reputation, and more. The fundamental flaw for most is the belief that it won't happen to them," postulates Douglas Johnson, CEO of Keane Business Risk Management Solutions, LLC.

"Risk management focuses on how a business will address those unforeseen incidences that can impact the bottom line or disrupt day-to-day functions. Our deep understanding of how our clients operate puts us at an advantage to better assess their risk on many levels," explains Steven Kass, co-managing principal of Rothstein Kass-Certified Public Accountants, headquartered in Roseland, N.J.

See full Article.