Monday, October 03, 2005

Execs describe Sarbanes-Oxley compliance lessons learned

They would have devoted more time and dedicated resources to the effort

Executives who oversaw the first round of compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act for their companies say they would have done things a bit differently in hindsight, including educating more workers about steps they needed to take, assigning dedicated staffers to assess and monitor critical controls, and automating a greater portion of repairs to IT controls deemed deficient.

"You want to start the process early, to educate as many people as possible," said Neil Frieser, vice president of internal controls at Viacom Inc. Frieser, a speaker at The Sarbanes-Oxley Conference & Exhibition, held here yesterday, said Viacom conducted a staggering 19,600 tests on 1,560 business controls and 540 IT controls last year to meet Section 404 of the law. The work covered 116 business processes and 75 IT applications throughout the media company, whose divisions include CBS, MTV and Nickelodeon.

See full Article.