Sunday, October 23, 2005

Global 500 Company Boards Remain IT-Deficient, Slow to Scale Up; India Takes Lead with Technology Expertise on Boards

Despite the increasing role technology plays in a company's success, only eight percent of Fortune Global 500 companies report having technology experts - a current or former Chief Information Officer (CIO) or Chief Technology Officer (CTO) - on their boards, according to research released today by global public relations consultancy Burson-Marsteller.

The research, A Missing Competency: Boardroom IT Deficit - Helping Your Board Get "IT," also reveals there has been a slight increase in board participation since Burson-Marsteller's 2003 IT Deficit Survey (from five to eight percent). Of the technology-savvy professionals who have board seats, the majority come from companies headquartered in North America or Asia-Pacific. These results highlight intensifying competition between the two regions for technological innovation.

See full Article. Also see Burson-Marsteller Press Release.