Wednesday, October 12, 2005

IFRS conversion - management briefings

Accountancy Age is producing series of briefings on dealing with IFRS conversion.

IFRS update - a management briefing
IFRS is now live and public companies across Europe are grappling with its implications. The time for preparation is over and implementation is now on every finance director's agenda. Accountancy Age in conjunction with PricewaterhouseCoopers brings you the latest IFRS update.

Internal controls - a management briefing
Unlock the potential of internal control with this latest management briefing, produced in conjunction with KPMG

IFRS update 2 - a management briefing
IFRS: are you on track? Accountancy Age in conjunction with PricewaterhouseCoopers brings you the latest IFRS updates as part of a new series of management briefings.

IFRS update 3 - a management briefing
IFRS update: Are you pushing the right buttons? Accountancy Age in conjunction with PricewaterhouseCoopers brings you the third of our IFRS management briefings.

Access Briefings.