Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Mayne flits to US to get in Rupert's ear

Mid-town Manhattan's Hudson Theatre is a long way from Adelaide but the theatrics of News Corp's annual general meeting were again provided by that gadfly, Stephen Mayne, who had to take a longer flight to annoy Rupert Murdoch this year.

The move to America doesn't seem to have excited the shareholders too much, with only 30 or so turning up for tea and sympathy with Rupert.

They were outnumbered by reporters and staff. They were almost outnumbered by the board, a row of men in suits, who looked slightly cramped as they sat at one long table on the stage.

Mayne should have found a soul mate in the eccentric Evelyn Y Davis, who is famous for giving American chief executives a hard time at AGMs. But she did not seem amused to be upstaged.

See full Article.