Tuesday, October 04, 2005

No SOX please, we're non-compliant

Companies will fail SOX audits in 2006, according to their IT departments.

A July 2006 SOX deadline for message retention will not be met by nearly half of all companies a new survey has revealed.

The survey, commissioned by instant messaging security company Akonix, found that 45 percent of U.S. IT executives anticipate they will fail to meet Sarbanes-Oxley compliance requirements for archiving messages.

"It's alarming that almost half of the companies in our survey anticipate they will fail to meet the message retention requirements set forth in the next year's SOX deadline, even with ten months still remaining to get their systems in place," said Francis Costello, chief technology officer at Akonix. "Many popular software applications aren't equipped with features for enforcing compliance, which leads some organizations to neglect or ignore their own policies."

See full Article.