Friday, October 14, 2005

Thriving In The Face Of Regulation:

How to Accommodate the New Corporate Governance Regime and Achieve Optimum Financial Performance

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A Business Finance Influencers Webcast

Featuring Arthur Levitt, former chairman of the SEC, Arnold Hanish, chief accounting officer, Eli Lilly & Co, and Scott Mitchell, chairman and CEO of the Open Compliance and Ethics Group

It's costly, burdensome, and restrictive. CEOs and CFOs argue it's stifling growth and discouraging risk-taking.

Business regulation is the bane of US business today; it's public enemy number one for public companies large and small. Although debate continues among government officials, corporate executives, investors and academics about the utility and necessity of business regulation, most everyone agrees the new corporate governance and compliance regime is here to stay. The critical questions now are: Will regulators achieve effective reform? And will companies adapt to reform effectively?

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