Monday, October 03, 2005

Views from a regulatory perspective

Speech by Clive Briault, Managing Director, Retail Markets, FSA at the AIFA & AMI Belfast Regional Conference – keynote speech.

Good morning and thank you for the invitation to attend your Belfast regional conference. I very much welcome the opportunity to visit Northern Ireland – something I and my colleagues at the FSA are keen to do more often.

Today's programme covers both AIFA and AMI constituencies, so both investments and mortgage intermediation. Given that I have a morning slot, I will focus mainly on the investments side, but since it is nearly lunchtime I hope it is acceptable if I also say a few words about our initial findings nearly a year after our taking on mortgage regulation.

I would like to begin by mentioning the important role that AIFA and AMI play in supporting the investment and mortgage advice industry. We have constructive dialogue with the associations on a range of issues. And I hope that we can continue to build on this for our mutual benefit. In particular, in the context of Treating Customers Fairly, the associations have an opportunity to focus even more on supporting you in increasing further the standards of the industry and the quality of the service you provide to your clients. More on this in a moment.

See full Speech.