Thursday, November 03, 2005

Creating Value With Values

A helicopter hovers against a stormy sky, dropping a rescue line toward an unseen person apparently adrift in a roiling sea. Above the helicopter -- in this striking Rockwell Collins print advertisement -- are two simple words: "Trust matters."

But trust whom?

Thirty-five years ago this month, Walter J. Campbell, then the editor-in-chief, wrote in IndustryWeek's first issue, "The challenge of this decade will be to the industrial manager to provide the solutions to our great problems. It will be to unleash the dynamics of the private sector to provide the housing, the transportation, the environmental control, the medical care, the education and the other things this country must have. It will be to find a mechanism to put the initiative and the enterprise of the people of industry to work -- and to make a profit in doing so."

See full Article.