Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The Future Accountant Pipeline

The most promising information coming out of the recent AICPA Fall Council meeting was that interest in accounting by high school and college students is on the rise. This turnaround in accounting as a major, and hopefully the greater number of individuals ultimately choosing it as career, will provide needed accountants for the profession.

The greater interest can probably be attributed to a number of factors, beginning with the burst in the technology bubble, as more students are drawn to what is viewed as a career having long-term stability.

Just as important was the publicity that followed the Enron and WorldCom demises, and the Sarbanes-Oxley legislation. The accounting profession came to the forefront and into national focus, so students got a quick education in the roles that accountants play. It also increased the demand, as compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley generated additional work for accountants working in and assisting public companies.

See full Article.