Friday, January 13, 2006

Corporate Governance – Managing Risk and Driving Value

What: Corporate Governance – Managing Risk and Driving Value
Who: Conference presented by ISS Australia in conjunction with The University of Melbourne and the Centre for Corporate Law and Securities Regulation
When: 24 February 2006 - 8:45AM - 5:30PM
Where: Law School, The University of Melbourne,
Level 1, 185 Pelham St, Carlton, VIC
RSVP: 17 February 2006

Companies and investors are increasingly utilising governance to reduce risk and enhance shareholder value. Gone are the days of a purely compliance-driven approach, as are the days of ‘activist’ grandstanding. A more mature and analytical approach to governance issues is fast emerging in Australia. We all know that one size cannot fit all. Just how relevant are international trends to the Australian marketplace? Is there a case for markets and market sectors to find their own equilibrium on governance issues? This conference provides much needed context to the governance debate in Australia. We have brought together leading governance scholars from the United States, who will highlight key developments from the world’s largest capital market. At the same time the event will examine the governance issues that are of most pressing concern in Australia.

See full Information.