Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Glass ceiling or concrete roof?
Four women out of three hundred! Hardly more than one per cent. That is the number of female CEOs in the top 100 American, European and Asian companies (in terms of market capitalisation).
Is it normal that Executives still ask, when presented with a female candidate: "is she married?", "does she have any children?", "how many?". If diversity has become politically correct among the big bosses, we are a long way short of the target if we look at the results.
Is it the environment or the women? A bit of both: many women remain reticent about sacrificing their family life for work and career. But our social model, even if it is evolving, remains conservative, with diehard stereotypes regarding roles, behaviour and positions that are suited to women.
In addition, the organisation of major companies is traditionally based on male patterns that are often characterise female Directors as being less "available".
See full Article.