Monday, May 14, 2007

Women falling through super gap

MANY women are falling through a social and financial gap that leaves them to retire with only a quarter of the average man's superannuation, despite their longer lifespans.
Max Super chief executive Andrew Barlow said women generally had two forces working against their super savings: child rearing and lower incomes.

Figures show women on average spend 20 years less in the workforce than men, earn about $18,000 a year less but live five years longer.

As a result, the average woman is likely to receive $124 per week in retirement from their super savings compared with a man's $461 per week, a Max Super case study found.

"The differential is quite significant when you look at the average woman and the average man, and it was quite alarming when I first saw the stats," Mr Barlow said.

See full Article.