Tuesday, June 05, 2007

How to manage the ongoing information security requirements for SOX, HIPAA, GLBA and other key regulations: A single solution

When: Access Anytime

Many business leaders and IT managers believe they are in compliance with all the federal and state information security regulations affecting them. That may be true but at what cost to the organization? Being compliant in a defensive context and proactively managing compliance as an ongoing business process are very different from each other. Unfortunately, more organizations do more of the former and aren’t sure how to do the latter. Reducing the costs of information security compliance requires everyone speaking a common language within the organization, utilizing the proper tools, and managing information security at a high enough level to reasonably satisfy all the regulations at once.
Areas Covered in the Seminar:

* Defining compliance in your business
* Getting the right people involved once and for all
* Looking at information risks differently
* Reigning in all your requirements
* Closing the loop on critical change management processes
* Using compliance tools that will help relieve the pain of regulatory requirements

See full Details.