Sunday, June 10, 2007

How to win the war for talent

Nearly a decade ago, Elizabeth Perle McKenna wrote "When Work Doesn't Work Anymore: Women, Work and Identity", in which she questioned women's ability to "have it all" and found women's aspirations incompatible with the workplace.

Economist and author Sylvia Ann Hewlett's latest book, Off Ramps and On Ramps: Keeping Talented Women on the Road to Success, is, in many ways, the natural successor, raising the "have it all" question and agreeing that women and the traditional workplace are ill suited. But where Perle McKenna's solution was to leave, Hewlett's urging organisations to re-think their structure to support "non-linear" careers that are often pursued by women and, as Hewlett points out, Generation Y employees. What's more, Hewlett persuades that the issues facing the current crop of working women and Generation Y are similar to those facing ethnic minorities.

So it's hardly a question of accommodating the minority but adapting to the demands of a new type of employee.

See full Article.