Monday, June 11, 2007

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act: implications for large-scale IT outsourcing

"Until they are certain that outsourcing IT management is the best possible option, firms would do well to maintain and invest in their own in-house IT assets.

Two sections of SOX are especially important to corporate IT departments:

Section 404. Called “Management Assessment of Internal Controls,” it mandates that corporate CEOs implement internal controls over their financial reporting systems, physically test these controls, and certify in writing that they function correctly. As a practical matter, the vast majority of controls are embedded in computer technologies that involve virtually all of an organization’s financial transaction processing systems; and Section 302. Called “Corporate Responsibility for Incident Reports,” it requires senior financial executives to disclose deficiencies in internal controls and fraud (whether material or not). Also, public accounting firms must attest in their audit opinions to the adequacy and function of their client firms’ internal controls. Prior to SOX, auditing standards required auditors only to be “familiar” with internal controls.

See full Article.