As we here at the Green Money Journal celebrate our 15 year anniversary, we look forward to the next 15 years. We've asked experts to contemplate and make suggestions on what needs attention in the years ahead. In this article, Allan Savory and Christopher Peck highlight critical and overlooked challenges and propose a "unified theory" for moving our world towards sustainability. Allan is the founder of Holistic Management International ( http://www.holisticmanagement.org ) and a long-time advocate for a holistic approach to land, livestock, people and profitability. Christopher is a principal with Natural Investment Services, LLC ( http://www.naturalinvesting.com ), a Certified Educator in Holistic Management and a board member of HMI.
Subscribe to Green Money There's no denying it, the global environment is in crisis. Some folks have been aware of it for years, some are just realizing it, but awareness of global environmental challenges is finally going mainstream, and responsible people everywhere are struggling for solutions. The magnitude of the problems is overwhelming, and political institutions are doing little. This won't work, nor will relying on expensive technological quick-fixes applied piecemeal without consideration of broader ramifications. A healthy, profitable and sustainable world is possible, but requires immediate attention; we have all the money in the world to address this problem, we do not have unlimited time. We propose that the further, extensive adoption of Holistic Management in the years ahead can address critical parts of the problem not easily solved by technology to build a sustainable world profitably and quickly.
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