Monday, August 13, 2007
White Men Still Top of Corporate Pile, Says Report
Mainstream South African boards are still dominated by white males, according to a report on the top 100 listed companies in SA, researched and compiled by executive search firm Landelahni.
White men held 71% of the 1289 board seats reviewed in financial 2006.
Thirty-percent of the businesses had no women on the board and another 30% had just one woman on the board.
Colin Reddy, director of black economic empowerment at research firm Business Map, said that from the data he had looked at, the country certainly still had " some way to go with gender empowerment".
He had researched women entrepreneurs and found some progress was being made in that area, but despite the government's empowerment codes pushing companies to earn empowerment points for having women in senior management, movement was slow.
See full Article.