Business Management talks to Forrester Research’s Robert Markham about differentiators in Sarbanes-Oxley compliance software.
Meeting Sarbanes-Oxley compliance continues to be a seemingly never-ending and expensive challenge for the majority of companies. Since its inception, companies have faced the dilemma of adapting and upgrading their infrastructure to ensure they meet the needs of the anti-corruption regulations, or de-listing as publicly traded entities. Many claim that meeting compliance has far exceeded initial cost estimates and often comes at the expense of innovation and growth, particularly for smaller companies; opponents are also adamant that the legislation only tackles symptoms rather than causes, and therefore that the law’s long-term effect on improving corporate behavior is impossible to predict. Nevertheless, the legislation serves an important purpose in helping to ensure that a repeat of scandals such as Enron and WorldCom is avoided.
As a principal analyst with Forrester Research, Bob Markham is knowledgeable on all areas of compliance including SOX and eDiscovery, content lifecycles and how to best leverage content in the enterprise. Despite industry cynicism about the effectiveness of SOX, Markham is supportive of the new regulations, considering them essential for harmony in the future.
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