On 12 September 1977, struggle hero Stephen Bantu Biko was killed while in detention under the Apartheid regime, and last week UNISA held a commemorative lecture in honour of this brave and inspirational leader at the Theo van Wijk building. Principal and Vice-Chancellor Prof N Barney Pityana, a former comrade and friend of Biko delivered a lecture of reflection explaining the meaning and relevance of the life and times of Biko.
Biko challenged and fought the oppressive government of the time among other things, with his writings on Frank Talk: I Write What I Like. “Social analysis leading to reflection and action were critical tools of engagement” and this was used to create understanding and communicating the message to the masses.
Biko’s teachings relevant in SA
Prof Pityana said that the teachings and life of Biko does have relevance in today’s South Africa in terms of society needing heroes and intellectuals as both their currencies are truth: “to stand by the truth, to articulate reality as truthfully as they understand it without calculation of personal benefit”. He also said that South Africa needs the “capacity to think ahead and above the din of the madding crowd. Idealism comes from the knowledge that current circumstances need never be the final word and that we can visualise a better future”. “Without idealism, however, we can hardly find solutions to contemporary challenges, and shape our future,” added Prof Pityana.
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